The Raven and the Swan by Laurie Grant

December 17, 2009 at 1:32 pm (Romance) (, , , , , )

The Girl – Gillian Mallory, a young beautiful blonde who has lived her life in a convent and is preparing to take her final vows.

The Guy – Miles Raven, a young raven haired knight who has just been given the convent property as a gift from King Henry the VIII

The Time Period – Tudor England during the reign of King Henry the VIII between his marriages to Ann and Jane.

The Setup – The king has just dissolved all religious houses sending all the monks and nuns into the world by themselves.  Gillian’s convent is dissolved and given away to a knight to make into his new northern manor home.  All of the nuns except Gillian leave, she stays behind to care for the prioress who is to sick to journey.  Miles comes upon her sick and frail herself in his new manor home.  At first he is displeased to find two nuns still in residence but then he begins to have feelings for the beautiful girl and determines to help her find a new place in the world.  Of course Miles’ last suitor and his court friends will stop at nothing to seperate him from some young, northern nun.

The Fun Parts – Decent sex scenes and a believeable romance.  Some nice historical details.

My Gripe – Not a whole lot, there are times in the book where you just want to shake Gillian and ask her “What the hell are you doing?” but other than that it was a decent read.  Nothing fantastic but nothing horrid.

Rating – B- to a C+ on this one.  An enjoyable read but I will most likely forget about it in a couple of days.

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